Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Music Garlic and other amazing discoveries

AAAhhhh...another new year!  Happy New Year everyone!  The wind is blowing again, it is snowing finally!!  I can't believe that I'm saying that, but it has been over 20 days since we had snow here in Calgary and the ground was so bare. I need to get some mulch down on some of my beds, but that will have to wait until I chop up my lovely and so perfect tree farm, bought from the Boy Scouts, Balsam Fir - Christmas tree.

Seeds of Diversity

is a Canadian volunteer organization that conserves the biodiversity and traditional knowledge of food crops and garden plants.

Take a Tour of
Seeds of Diversity's
Canadian Seed Library
Are you a gardener?    Save an endangered plant!
  • Learn to save seeds from the plants in your garden
  • Grow an endangered variety, and help us save it!
  • Multiply seeds for our national Seed Library
  • Discover the amazing diversity of Canada's traditional plants
Not a seed saver?    You can still get involved
Not a gardener?    Support our volunteers who protect your seed heritage
  • Anyone can join Seeds of Diversity, to provide a strong national voice for food biodiversity conservation and good seed policy
  • Your membership and donation support gardeners and farmers who are saving Canada's seeds

Seeds of Diversity is the source for information about heritage seeds, seed saving, plant diversity, garden history and your own garden heritage.
Join members, from coast to coast, who collect and share over 2400 varieties of heritage fruits and vegetables through our national Seed Exchange.
Discover the incredible diversity of heritage plants!
Subscribe to our magazine, Seeds of Diversity, and learn about Canadian gardeners who are making a difference, preserving food biodiversity, documenting Canada's horticultural heritage, and sharing the legacy of the "People's Seeds".

Music Garlic 

Just look at the size of these beauties.

These cloves of "Music" garlic are planted around my back yard. 
 In early part of January, it was so warm that parts of my back yard were thawed. So as a gardener going into withdraws what could I do? I needed to plant something. I raided my stash of my beautiful garlic bulbs. The local CoOps has the most beautiful Garlic, huge cloves, easy to peel and I bought extra to plant in my garden. Now I can only hope that the major freeze the next week didn't kill what I planted.
Can you imagine if my lovely garlic actually grew? I just love using garlic leaves in cooking, salads and they also get dehydrated for year round use. I do have a backup plan...there is always be a Plan B,  I am forcing some bulbs in the basement closet and they are coming up nicely. I am resisting sampling off these babies, but I can only hold off for so long...

1 comment:

  1. WooHoo!!! I have so much garlic growing all over my yard. I love it when a plan works!
